Monday, November 3, 2008

Whoo Hoo! Half Way!

Well, me and baby David Michael are half way to his entering the world breathing air. Now that he has a name, it seems like we are getting to know each other a little bit.
House still needs work, but we will get there as there is no option to not get it done. I will post pics of house getting work done when we actually have something to show that is exciting.

Been making these bugs, and having a great time doing it. Had this vision of a toy box stuffed with hand knitted toys... yeah... need to get more focused on getting things done... we'll see how many he's got when he is out of the walking incubator.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, I'm getting excited about being pregnant. It still does not seem real, and I have to look at the stick to remind myself that I didn't make this up. I have not been sick, which is the most common question I get. Not one day, for which I am thankful. The only thing I have noticed is my seeming inability to sleep through the night anymore. Supposedly, it's preparation. All I know is that I would like some uninterrupted rest. Last night, I slept through without waking, which was the first time in over a month, but I am still exhausted today. O well, it's better than puking, or being over sensitive to smells, or not being able to eat, or whatever. Chris is super excited, which is really quite adorable. He thinks I'm showing already. I told him that is called a gut, not a baby...

Saturday, July 12, 2008


It's interesting to note how life changes as one gets older. How ideas change and life evolves. I'm not really sure how to do this blog thing. I see some people who rant and some people who use blogs for updates... 'haven't really decided what I want this to be yet. So for now, just posting thoughts.